Does Export to iTunes Library... currently work?

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Does Export to iTunes Library... currently work?

Post by DerekCurrie »

I can't get File/Export to iTunes Library... to actually do anything.

I extracted the music from a music video and saved it as a .m4a. Then I chose to export it and nothing at all happens. iTunes, aka Music, shows no sign of the tune.

Apple has been, ahem, deeply negligent regarding the Music app. It's never felt like a finished product. It would be no surprise of things changed at their end, negating the Export call.

So I'm doing the drag and drop routine into Music.

Thank you,
Derek Currie

Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:11 pm

Re: Does Export to iTunes Library... currently work?

Post by markw »

Hello Derek and welcome to the Amadeus forums :)
You don’t mention which macOS you are currently running or have run in the past.
This could be relevant as Apple have included two temporary holding folders for adding content automatically to iTunes or Music.
Using the relevant one of these folders will probably be more reliable than the old 'Export to iTunes' option in Amadeus and is the method I’ve used for quite some time now.
Which folders you have and where they are located may vary from user to user depending on what legacy file structures remains in use on their system.
For iTunes the folder you want is: /Users/user_name_here/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Automatically Add to iTunes
For Music, it could also be the same: /Users/user_name_here/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Automatically Add to Music.
Or it could be: /Users/user_name_here/Music/Media/Automatically Add to Music.
Confusing I know!
In Amadeus after finishing your Track or Album use; Save As…, Save A Copy As… or Split to Markers…, still use a standard audio file extension like .m4a, etc…, with the relevant ‘Automatically Add’ folder as the target destination.
I’ve found it best to not have the iTunes or Music app running when doing this.
When iTunes or Music is then next launched the content of the Automatically Add folder will be added to the app’s library and this “temporary holding” folder will be emptied.

This Apple forum discussion may help in finding where your ‘Automatically Add’ folder is located: ... ortBy=rank
macOS 12.7.6 | 15" Macbook Pro, 2017 | 4 Core i7 3.1GHz CPU | Radeon Pro 555 2GB GPU + Integrated Intel HD Graphics 630 1.536GB | 16GB RAM | Wacom Intuos4 M

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