Generating Markers/Searching for Silence

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Generating Markers/Searching for Silence

Post by CDJonah_alt »

Not a surprise that you get lots of markers with -5 dB, I am surprised
you get only 5.

Quick guide
-5 db 56% of full scale
-10 db 32% of full scale
-20 db 10% of full scale
-40 db 1% of full scale
-60 db 0.1% of full scale

dB value = 10 log (fraction( of full scale) squared) or 20 log (fraction
of full scale)

Why would you want to split a large single file into pieces -- to have
something to work on more conveniently -- operation would probably be
followed by join files operation after you are through editing. Less
interesting/useful today with faster computers with bigger memories.

Search for silences is in the generate markers section -- you found it
with the radio button "at silences"


The9th wrote:
The manual has this entry for generate markers:

• Generate Markers... Allows {you?} to generate equidistant markers on your sound. This is especially useful in conjunction with the Split According to Markers... function if you want to cut a very long sound into pieces of reasonable size.

{Or, I would add, if you wanted to perform the more likely, prosaic task of converting vinyl LPs with multiple "cuts" into their separate cuts or songs, etc. Because I can't for the life of me think of any situation in which I would want to "cut a very long audio file into pieces of reasonable size." D'you have any applications in mind, Mr. Hairer, that you could share with us benighted proles?}

You can choose Search for silences in order to place markers at the location of silences in your sound. The Maximal level parameter gives the threshold under which a sound is considered to be silence. The Minimal length parameter gives the minimal length a silence must have in order to be taken into account. If a number is found in the marker name entered in the First marker text field, it is automatically incremented for each subsequent marker.
1) I can't find the command Search for silences anywhere in the application, ver. 1.4.2. Can anyone suggest where it might be?

2) I can't get the Generate Markers… command to work. I set the silence level to -5.00 decibels (seems that's the lowest--if smaller minus numbers mean lower decibels--I still don't get this dB stuff) and I set the minimum length to just under the length of two of the silent patches between songs. In this case, the length of each is over six seconds, so I set the minimum length to 0'06"000. Then I define/select three cuts which include the two "quiet" spots.

I hit the OK button, and get 5 (five) markers, when I expected/hoped to get just two.

Any suggestions?

I get similar results even when I fill the interstices with the silence generator===supposedly that would give me total silence where applied. And I try to figure out, from Waveform Statistics…, just what I'm working with. And the Selection window, to figure out lengths of defined/selected audio.



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