burning a usable CD

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burning a usable CD

Post by Arnoscopy »

OK...what I'm trying to do is burn a CD of tracks created from album. i've marked tracks, split according to markers, saved as the right file type (mp3, because i know my car will play it) burned the CD, brought into the car - nothing. back in computer, all tracks are there and playable. i know that iTunes will work but i'm trying to avoid bringing into iTunes and burning from there because some albums have tracks that flow into the next and without fail, there is always a bump or drop out between tracks even tho i request no time between tracks.

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burning a usable CD

Post by CDJonah »

Why not burn it in Finder? An mp3 on a CD is just a data disk.


On 3/2/17 9:52 PM, Arnoscopy wrote:
OK...what I'm trying to do is burn a CD of tracks created from album. i've marked tracks, split according to markers, saved as the right file type (mp3, because i know my car will play it) burned the CD, brought into the car - nothing. back in computer, all tracks are there and playable. i know that iTunes will work but i'm trying to avoid bringing into iTunes and burning from there because some albums have tracks that flow into the next and without fail, there is always a bump or drop out between tracks even tho i request no time between tracks.

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Martin Hairer
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burning a usable CD

Post by Martin Hairer »

Also, are you 100% sure that your car's CD player does actually support data CD's
with Mp3 files? It may well be that you need to burn it as an Audio CD... Regards,



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burning a usable CD furthermore...

Post by Arnoscopy »

thanks for your replies but i am not able to adjust the parameters of the burn to be audio CD vs. data CD in either the folder created on my desktop or burning from "Finder"...could very well be that my car does not accept data discs. the material is on the CD, that's not the problem

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Post by Arnoscopy »

i can't possibly be the only person to have dealt with this problem...haven't taken the time to comb thru all the forum for an answer, i thought a solution would be easy, something simple i overlooked but it has dogged me since the beginning.

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Martin Hairer
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burning a usable CD

Post by Martin Hairer »



on how to burn audio CDs using iTunes. As already mentioned,
you can also burn them directly from with Amadeus Pro. Regards,



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Post by Arnoscopy »

i'm really not trying to be daft. i know how to burn CD's from iTunes and from Amadeus, that's not my problem. my problem is being able to replicate searchable tracks from bringing in an album that has seamless audio from one song to the next without:

A) iTunes creating audible drop outs between tracks after assembling them despite choosing "no seconds" between
B) burning from Amadeus and not having the tracks be individual thru use in a car-stereo setting after reassembling from "split using markers" or somehow having a data disc instead of audio disc and not having the option to change this

i have not determined how to do this despite repeated attempts and it is frustrating because i love the program thus far.

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burning a usable CD

Post by CDJonah »

Try burning a data CD with an mp3 file -- take to car -- does it work?
(question of whether car reads data CD).)

Did the original disk have track separation? If so, getting absolutely
smooth transition from one to the next isn't going to happen (at least
without work). It isn't going to happen from mp3s.


On 3/4/17 9:10 AM, Arnoscopy wrote:
i'm really not trying to be daft. i know how to burn CD's from iTunes and from Amadeus, that's not my problem. my problem is being able to replicate searchable tracks from bringing in an album that has seamless audio from one song to the next without:

A) iTunes creating audible drop outs between tracks after assembling them despite choosing "no seconds" between
B) burning from Amadeus and not having the tracks be individual thru use in a car-stereo setting after reassembling from "split using markers" or somehow having a data disc instead of audio disc and not having the option to change this

i have not determined how to do this despite repeated attempts and it is frustrating because i love the program thus far.

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Post by Arnoscopy »

yes, i've taken everything directly to the car...that's how i know it isn't working. and this is bumped from LP which has seamless audio from song to song - this is what i'm trying to replicate but cleaning up the album which Amadeus excels at, using the "Mark Selection" feature to name the songs, numbering the songs so that they lay in the right order, splitting according to markers to a folder on my desktop, saved as mp3, or AAC, neither has worked and from the - saved to folder - protocol i was not able to choose data or audio for burning, choices i DO have when burning from iTunes but trying to avoid iTunes, which does work by the way to achieve the re-assembling of tracks in a format my car likes it just creates a damn bump in audio between tracks which i'm trying to avoid. that, in essence, is my problem. the audio drop out between tracks which iTunes provides despite my best attempts. is there no alternative or solution to this problem?

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burning a usable CD

Post by CDJonah_alt »

I think the only way you are going to get what you want is to divide the
files, preferably putting the markers at zero crossings and saving as an
uncompressed file. I have never burned CDs from Amadeus as I use a
different program, but I assume it will work. I am moderately sure you
cannot get a smooth audio with a compressed file because the compressed
audio files are made up of little sections called frames. One cannot
extract part of a frame basically without converting and then redoing,
which will then shift all the frames (I think this right).

Bottom line, put markers in at zero crossings split into some
uncompressed form and then burn as an audio CD.


On 3/4/17 10:49 AM, Arnoscopy wrote:
yes, i've taken everything directly to the car...that's how i know it isn't working. and this is bumped from LP which has seamless audio from song to song - this is what i'm trying to replicate but cleaning up the album which Amadeus excels at, using the "Mark Selection" feature to name the songs, numbering the songs so that they lay in the right order, splitting according to markers to a folder on my desktop, saved as mp3, or AAC, neither has worked and from the - saved to folder - protocol i was not able to choose data or audio for burning, choices i DO have when burning from iTunes but trying to avoid iTunes, which does work by the way to achieve the re-assembling of tracks in a format my car likes it just creates a damn bump in audio between tracks which i'm trying to avoid. that, in essence, is my problem. the audio drop out between tracks which iTunes provides despite my best attempts. is there no alternative or solution to this problem?

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Post by Arnoscopy »

OK, thanks!
The problem is fixed and I think the crossfades are the answer. Correct me if i'm wrong but "Smart Editing" is a feature not found on the earlier version of Amadeus. When i upgraded to pro i hadn't tested it before asking for help, thanks for your support.

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